HRC Hunt Tests


LCRC recently made the decision to affiliate with and offer Hunt tests through HRC/UKC. The club is now a recognized and sanctioned HRC club. The HRC functions in both the United States and Canada
with clubs stretching from both coasts and Manitoba to Texas and Alabama.

The purpose of the HRC is to hold events that test a hunting dog’s instincts and training. HRC retriever tests are open to all retriever
breeds including spaniels. The HRC is affiliated with The United Kennel Club which is considered the world’s largest registry of hunting dogs.

The HRC testing program is intended to assist owners in training quality hunting dogs for the field.

Participation in such a program provides the following:
--It allows each dog to compete against a set standard. A dog will pass or fail based upon its performance against a predetermined standard established by the HRC.
-- Unlike other test programs, HRC tests expect the owner/hunter to handle a gun while testing the dog.

To that extent gun safety is emphasized and incorporated into the testing scenarios. The intent of the HRC is to simulate as closely as possible actual hunting conditions so as to give you and your dog an
opportunity to display its actual hunting abilities.

Titles are awarded in five separate categories:

Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) -- This is the entry-level for young dogs where they are expected
to mark and retrieve two land marks and two water marks.

Hunting Retriever (HR) -- This intermediate test level requires your retriever to be steady at the
line and pick up a double land mark and double water mark. In addition the dog will be expected
to complete water blind and a land blind to approximately 60 yards, deal with the diversion bird
and be steady for a walk up bird.

Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH) -- This advanced test level will require your retriever to be
steady at the line and perform a triple mark on land and water as well as extended land and water
blinds. The dog must also be steady to a walk up bird and properly deal with the diversion mark.
At this level your retriever must also honor another working dog as the triple mark is dropped.

Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH) -- This Title is received only after multiple
passes at the national Grand test which is sponsored two times a year. Only qualified HRCH
dogs are allowed to compete. This is considered the quintessential HRC test for retrievers.

Upland Hunter (UH) -- This test challenges a retrievers upland hunting skills and requires that
your dog be steady is shot once the bird is flushed. Multiple test passes must be received before
this title is confirmed.

Points are earned with each test that is passed. As you accumulate points you will receive the above titles.
As can be seen from the above titles, the tests become progressively more challenging and complex in
order to assure that your hunting companion displays the characteristics necessary for each title.
